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About Dr. Stephanie Stollar

Dr. Stephanie Stollar has dedicated over 30 years to improving literacy outcomes through evidence-based practices. She believes that by supporting all educators, high achievement is possible for every student.

In 2020, Dr. Stollar founded Reading Science Academy, an online community where thousands of educators support each other to improve results in their classrooms. She also advises the next generation of education policy leaders in her role as an assistant professor at Mount St. Joseph University.

In addition, Dr. Stollar serves as a Board Member of the Innovations in Education Consortium, sits on the Executive Team at the Evidence Advocacy Center, and is a co-founder of a national alliance for supporting reading science in higher education.

Previously, she served as Vice President of Professional Learning at Acadience Learning, as an MTSS trainer and consultant for hundreds of school districts, as an Assistant Professor of School Psychology, and as a School Psychologist.

Through her ongoing educational workshops and extensive publications, Dr. Stollar continues to build the capacity of educators and education systems worldwide so every student can be lifted through literacy.

→ You can access her free resources on the science of reading on her download page.


Events, Presentations and Publications

Dr. Stephanie Stollar regularly presents and consults about the Science of Reading.

→ Learn more about her upcoming events and past presentations.


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